Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Word for 2022

 For the last ten years I've chosen a word to focus on each year. At the end of the year, I reflect on what has happened in my life and how the word played into the year.

I've done Success and tracked all my achievements, large and small in a little "success" jar. This was the year I graduated with my bachelors degree and a 4.0 GPA, to name a few. Prosperity (a few unexpected windfalls came our way), and momentum (took off fast, then slowed and reversed). Pondering the reverse momentum, 2016 was forward with intention. I learned that intention directs the twist and turns of our journey. 

Discovery in 2017 opened up some great doors. I started counseling and discovered a lot about myself.  2018 was the year of adventure. I changed jobs and learned to set priorities. And then to Dream. The year before Covid was dream. Who would have thought that it would be the last year of what we all considered "normal". At the end of 2019, I realized I had done nothing to reach my dreams. 

Dreams cannot transpire without a little help. So 2020 became motivation. I spent the year motivated to take back my yard - and take it back I did! 

So as I became motivated to get things done and 2021 became the year of Exploration.

I explored gardening, different crafts, food idea, and more. I explored who I am and started doing family genealogy. I have been exploring as many new things as a could and finding so much the resonates with my soul. 

Where will 2022 bring me. What are my dreams and aspirations? What do I want to do?

As I settle into retirement, I'm enjoying doing what I want, when I want. I'm enjoying the freedom that comes with not having to answer to a "boss" - and the last one I had left a nasty taste in my mouth! I want to become a better, kinder person. When I look around me, I want to see how I can help, not what is wrong. I want to seek out community and use kindness when there are differences. I want to embrace each moment and everyone around me.

And as I write this I see my work. 2022 will be a year of being present. I look forward to sharing the experiences with you!

Happy New Year. 


  1. Love your word for the year! I also enjoy new year and the new things that it brings! Congrats on all of your amazing accomplishments! I think this year will be wonderful for you as well!

  2. Boy has it been testing me too!! Learning to take a step back when things go wrong and I get frustrated.

    Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. I do the same sort of intention setting each year, too! I am working on a post about the word I picked for 2022, too, and will be sharing it soon. Kindness is a great word for the year and I hope it serves you well!


I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts!