Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy February 14th

Valentine's Day. Who invented it? Well, supposedly it is based in the Roman Lupercalia, a huge festival with sacrificed goats and pairing of bachelors and bachelorettes. Crops and women were slapped with bloody goat skins to make them both fertile for the coming year. Cool, huh?

Old Pope Gelasius deemed the event "unChristian" and changed the day to St. Valentine's day (although no one quite know which Valentine it was named for). But how it became known at the day of love remains a mystery. There were some places in old Europe that believed it was the day that started the birds mating season. I had no idea birds used a calendar!

And here we are today. An extremely marketed day. According to Time magazine, Americans spent more than 19 BILLION dollars in 2016 on Valentine's day. WOW!

OK - I get that people like to give Valentines. But my husband shows me I matter every day.

Why wait until this "holiday" to show our significant other they are important? And what about those millions of people that don't have a significant other? I think of those recently widowed or divorced. How does all this "love is in the air" effect them? Why can't we just make it a friendship day? Frankly, if you aren't friends with your partner you won't have a lasting relationship anyway!

OK - I'm off my soap box. I just needed to get that off my chest. And so you are probably asking if I do anything for my hubby. I do. I use this day as a great excuse to leave work early. I leave him a hokey card (usually made by me) and he makes me a hokey card and we sit on the couch with popcorn and beer and watch a movie.

And, as we do every night, we say, "I love you".


  1. I tend to make my husband's valentines each year too.

  2. I think it means more when we give time. We can get "stuff" any time of the year.

  3. I was bad this year; I cut up a 2018 Valentine from a friend to make 2 Valentines for my boyfriend and someone else! I was pleased with the final results! I take my cardmaking stuff to Sun. School and the kids make them for whomever they want, usually a parent. They have so much fun!


I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts!