Friday, September 21, 2018

With Gratitude

Today is World Gratitude day. I think we need more days like this. Especially this time of year. We are so busy getting ready for back to school - shopping for new clothes, packing lunches, trying to find time to get everything done, ending up exhausted and cranky.

Then we move into Halloween. Gimme gimme gimme. I want candy. It's clear in the phrase the kids use (and used when I was a kid) going door to door. Trick or Treat. Gimme gimme gimme or get a nasty trick.

And then there's Christmas. All I want for Christmas... is not to go broke! Gift buying, food prep, cookie exchanges so you have enough cookies to make sure anyone that gives you anything gets something in return.

Wait - but - what happened to Thanksgiving? Oh yeah. That day. We eat and then go out shopping!! And shopping some more.

There simply is not enough time to take a breath and contemplate all the amazing things that are in our lives. Well in 1965 a group of folks from around the world hanging out together in Hawaii decided we needed a day to formally express our gratitude and appreciation for all the wonderful things around us.

So how can we express gratitude on this day (or any day for that matter).
Write a thank you note. It doesn't have to be for a gift or for something someone had done for you. Write a thank you note expressing how much you value someone and thank them for the relationship. Give someone else a reason to be grateful. Practice one of those little random acts of kindness. Put a five in the movie you return to RedBox with a note, "Have some popcorn on me" (but don't sign it). Or pay for the car behind you at Starbucks - pay it forward!

How about a gratitude journal. I have a pretty journal that makes me happy to look at. Each night I open it up and write five things I'm grateful for. Some days they flow - I have more than five. Other days it's a struggle to think of something. But once I do, the stresses of the day are lightened and I can look at reasons my life is good.

So how will you celebrate World Gratitude Day?? Let me know if the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely ideas here. I've started a monthly "thankful" post, which means I'm becoming more aware during each month of the things I want to add into those posts. I didn't know it was World Gratitude Day yesterday (I'm in Australia) so thanks for sharing, and I'm grateful to know it now!!


I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts!