Tuesday, January 22, 2019

National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

Yep. It's National Answer your Cat's questions day. Have you ever pondered what questions your cat might be asking you? Here are some possibilities...

Why are you looking at me?

When are you going to clean the litter box?

May I have more wine please?

Do you think I could make the Caster Magazine center fold?

Why are you in my face?

Don't you just love me?

What the heck is this stuff?

Why do you let her do this to me?

Can you see me now?

Does this chair make me look fat?

Can we please have dinner now?


  1. Cute kitty photos but am afraid of cats actually since I was attacked once before..

  2. Thanks so much for linking up at the 25 and Done Link Party 3. Shared onto Fb, Pn, and Tw!


I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts!