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Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Do They Know it's Christmas Time at All?

I was driving home from work last night, listening to Christmas music and envisioning the upcoming day with my treasured family.   Then the song, "Do They Know it's Christmas?" came on.  I've heard it before, many times, but I've never really heard it, until now - and it made me feel small.

Back in 1984, a group of musicians got together and formed a "super group" to raise money for the famine that was happening in Ethiopia.  The song that came out of this effort was "Do They Know it's Christmas?" -

As I said, I've heard this song many times.  My thoughts have been, how wonderful of these bands to help people.  But it's never really driven my heart before.  But as I listened I thought about our society and the hustle and bustle and needless over spending to celebrate this season we call Christmas Time.  I thought about my own attitude and my own heart position.  It was an eye opener!