Thursday, September 13, 2018

Positive Thinking Day

Yep - there is a day for everything - but this is a good one. How often we drop into the doldrums when things don't go they way we expect or the way we think they should. But thinking positive can change the whole course of the day.

When things start to go south, take step back. Put a smile on your face. There's an old adage, fake it till you make it. Wear that smile until it starts to smile inside you. Do you feel the world changing now too?

Stop putting yourself down. Start finding something amazing about yourself and work on believing it! Sit in the park or stand on the beach, savor the moment with yourself. You are amazing - you are comfortable to be with. Enjoy yourself.

Look for something that went right. Expound on that. We had a tree fall on our house. Not fun. There was a lot to feel upset about - but thank heavens no one was in the back yard when it fell. The results could have been disastrous! But we were all safe. Already I'm feeling some relief!

Now step outside your box and do something nice for someone else. I like to practice those "random acts of kindness" from time to time (that's another post all together) and doing something kind makes me feel uplifted. What better way to start thinking positive than to uplift your heart?

And Laugh!!

So here is how I've started my day...

I woke up and told myself, "it's going to be a great day!" And so far it is.
And I've decided to pay attention to each moment, to steer away from those negative thoughts as they creep into my day and replace them with positive thoughts.

What will you do to celebrate Positive Thinking Day?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bring on Fall!

I'm getting tired of the hot weather. You can't sleep. You can't go out and work in the yard. You have no energy. Summer be gone!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Make the Weekend Rock! Linky #2

I don't know about you, but after a long week of working hard, I'm looking for ways to spend my week end that are rejuvenating. I love to cook - do crafts - garden - hike - go places - do nothing - read...

What do you like to do? This party is an almost anything goes - other parties are welcome! Share up to FIVE posts! There are just two simple rules:

Do not link to a site that has items for sale (i.e. etsy, eBay, etc)!
Visit other bloggers! See what fun things they have going! The party runs from Friday to Wednesday - spread the word!

This is our very first week - so lets make it rock!

Spread the word - lets have a big crowd this week!

Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links through If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Make the Weekend Rock Linky #1

I don't know about you, but after a long week of working hard, I'm looking for ways to spend my week end that are rejuvenating. I love to cook - do crafts - garden - hike - go places - do nothing - read...

What do you like to do? This party is an almost anything goes - other parties are welcome! Share up to FIVE posts! There are just two simple rules:

Do not link to a site that has items for sale (i.e. etsy, eBay, etc)!
Visit other bloggers! See what fun things they have going! The party runs from Friday to Wednesday - spread the word!

This is our very first week - so lets make it rock!

An InLinkz Link-up

Disclosure: The items below are affiliate links through If you purchase any of these products through the links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!

Friday, August 10, 2018

I am Grateful

While perusing on facebook I saw a meme with this quote:

Don't wait for things to get better
Life will always be complicated.
Learn to be happy right now, 
Otherwise you'll run out of time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

It's Amazon Prime Day!!

What is Amazon Prime?? Well it's like a cyber black Friday in the middle of the summer! If you aren't already a prime member (saves a LOT on shipping if you shop as much on Amazon as I do!), I suggest you check it out - then check out all the deals you can get. But hurry - it's all over tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I've been in a funk. I'm sad and stressed and sick to my stomach. I need a respite.

Last year at this time, we had four cats. I love my cats. I truly am the crazy cat lady. In October, my buddy, Bucky, went into congestive heart failure and we had to say good bye. The middle of June, Shidd got sick. The vet couldn't figure out what was going on. Then one day, he went for his morning walk and never came back. Shortly after Shidd was gone, Mrs. Black started declining. For two weeks we've gone back and forth to, is she going to die or is she getting better. Trying to work with the vet to figure it out, but rapidly running out of money from vet bills!

My job is stressful. I'm finding myself not keeping up - being disorganized - not following through. All things that simply are not me. I'm finding myself counting the days instead of the years to retirement (955).

I don't want to do anything. My blogs have gotten behind. My training business sits waiting. I cry all the time. I simply want to hibernate until it's all over.

So why am I telling you this? Because today I vow to move forward. To put one foot in front of the other and move beyond the circumstances. Today I will work harder at taking care of myself and not just everyone else. Today is my day.

Life isn't always the easy path. Those rough trails build our character. They lead us into place we might not otherwise go. And, as Albert Einstein said,
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity".

Today I claim it.