Monday, May 29, 2017

Time Flies

Where does the time go?  It's been almost three months since I posted last.  Well that's not very committed, is it?  But I really have been busy.  I write three other blogs besides this and I've tried to stay on top of them -  I've worked two very long weekends at a festival selling my photos 



and - and here's the big one - I joined Weight Watchers.  

You know, I never even told you what that visit to the emergency room ended up being.  Well, a visit to the cardiologist (who said I need to lose weight), a stress test and an electrocardiogram later - I have hypertensive heart disease.  Not terribly bad, but enough that I need to make some lifestyle changes.

I've had high blood pressure since my twenties.  I've been on medication since then and I thought my blood pressure was controlled.  I check it regularly and I take my meds faithfully.  But that's the trouble with hypertension (also known as the silent killer).  You think its controlled, but it isn't.  Little things make it jump - and it's not controlled all the time.  And that causes damage.  

So here I am, trying to exercise regularly and I attend a Weight Watchers meeting every week.  I could do it online, but I'm one of those people that needs to be held accountable.  I can't just push off a gain and move on to the next week.  I have to get on that scale for someone else and let them see if I've worked the program or not.  Ouch!

But I have lost 9 pounds - only 41 more to go!  And I'm feeling a lot better.  If fact, when I look in the mirror, I feel pretty pleased with the mature woman that looks back.

  Far from perfect and certainly not young, but strong and motivated and ready to tackle each day with intention!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Woman's Day

It's International Women's Day - A day to honor the achievements of women and a call to accelerate gender parity.  There are so many famous women to be honored that shaped the world they way we know it today.

Mary Wollstonecraft - an English writer in the mid 1700's that wrote, "A Vindication of the Rights of Women", discussing the need to give women human and political rights.  She was the one who laid the foundation for the women's movement!

Jane Austen - a writer in the late 1700 moved past the barriers of a women as writers and came to write some of the most popular novels in history - Like Pride and Prejudice and Emma.  She opened the doors for women in the future to be writers!

Sojourner Truth - an African-American abolitionist that spoke in plain language and fought for the recognition not only that all men are equal, but that women are just as equal.

Margaret Fuller - an American author whose writings influenced they way men and women were perceived.  Her work, Women in the Nineteenth Century, was important in the early feminist movement.  It advocated that women be self sufficient and not so dependent on men.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton - one of the principle authors of Declaration of Sentiments (1848), she was one of the leading figures in the early women's suffrage movement.

Susan B. Anthony - with her tiring efforts and campaigning through the Temperance movement, she convinced society of the need for women to vote.!

And the list goes on .....  Women like Elizabeth Blackwell, Marie Curie, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Billlie Holiday, Indira Gandhi, Anne Frank, Benazir Bhutto, Princess Dianna and Malala Yousafzai.  I could list so many from the past and the present.

Each of these women has played a role in the fight for women's rights and freedoms around the world.  Use this day to tell others of the women that have impacted our world and honor their achievements that have changed our lives for the good.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Heart of my Hearts

Today is my 61st birthday.  I don't feel old. When I look in the mirror I don't see an old person, I see a woman with some years on her - some good years.  I am happy with my life (although I wouldn't mind being a little more financially secure).  I have a wonderful family, a good job and a lot of things that interest me and keep me busy.  February is National Heart Health Month and I've learned a few things.

And last week I learned how quickly life can change.  While talking on the phone at work, I started to have some chest pains - I don't mean gas pains - I mean put the phone down this really hurts pain.  After a couple of rounds I got clammy and hot, then cold - and my neck and left shoulder blade had a dull ache.  But, it can't be my heart!  I just saw my doctor.  My labs looked pretty good.  I'm loosing weight and exercising.

I called a friend who recently had "small" heart attack and turns out she has a heart condition.  I asked her what it felt like and she told me to call my doctor immediately.  I did.  They told me to go to the ER and don't drive myself - uhm - I'm already in my car and almost to my eye appointment - half way home.  So off I went to get my husband to turn around and drive me back to where I had started.

To make a long story short - three hours in the ER and they couldn't tell me a lot.  The only indication of a heart attack was a possible left atrial enlargement and an abnormal ECG.  AND it all could be caused by an esophageal spasm - GERD.  So they sent me home with a prescription for acid reflux and a notice to make an appointment with a cardiologist within two days - except they can't fit me in until four week later.

UPDATE: it was not a heart attack.

What have I learned from this (so far)?  Women's heart health is different than a man's.  When we have a heart attack, it often presents itself different and different than the symptoms we've all come to know as a possible heart attack (those were taken from a man's response).   

First - don't ever think everything is fine just because you feel fine and are eating right and exercising.  Always get a check up and follow your doctor's directions - that's not to say you shouldn't question what you don't understand.  That is to say, make sure you understand the whys of the instructions you are following.  And don't think if you do all these things it won't happen to you!

Second - be aware of the classic symptoms for a woman - they are:

1.  Chest pain - and women feel this different than men.  It may not be just on the left side.  It is usually a pressure.  It is not necessarily "pain" but a deep "discomfort".  For me it felt like there was a huge air bubble in my chest pushing from the inside and it was almost totally central (although slightly to the left).

2.  Sometimes pain in the left arm, but also, often, pain in the neck, back, and jaw.  It may be gradual or it may be sudden.  Mine was light but constant for several hours.

3.  Stomach pain - it could feel like heart burn or the flu, but often more of a pressure - like someone sitting on your belly.  

4.  Light headed, short of breath, dizzy - if this is unusual for you or it is happening in conjunction with other symptoms, you may be having a heart attack.  

5.  Sweaty - Not like you just worked out or you're hot sweat, a nervous sweat - or as I felt, a "cold" sweat.  Then I got hot - then I got cold.

6.  Fatigue - Tired, even when sitting.  I've been experiencing this for weeks.  There are other factors that we have been looking at as well, but it could have been an indication that my body has not been circulating oxygen as it should.

You may not have all these symptoms, but if you have any of them along with chest pain, get to the ER.  It may be nothing.  And it may save your life.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Annual Words - What will 2017 bring?

My friend Terri got me started on choosing a word for each year, and then at the end of the year reflecting on how that single word impacted my life.  

2013 - I chose success.  I made a little jar and each time I had a success, I wrote it down and put it in my jar - big or small, it went in.  My jar was pretty full.  I graduated with a B.A. degree, 
started grad school, lost 18 pounds (that I gained back while in grad school), had my first paid portrait photo shoot, and more.  It was a great year!

2014 - Prosperity -  I learned that prosperity comes in many forms.  It isn't just financial, however, we had several unexpected windfalls - one was $12,000.  We got some debt paid off, some much needed repairs done around our home and even took our first real vacation in 6 years!
But we were also blessed with new friendships, new family and more.

2015 - Momentum; lets keeps this going!  The first half of the year was fabulous.  I graduated with a Master's degree
-  my grandson graduated from the National Guard Youth Challenge program (if you don't know what that is, its a program for kids that are having trouble in high school - and it's tough.  Almost half his class either left or were kicked out - but he finished and finished well!).  As 2015 drew to a close the momentum had changed.  I was moving backwards.  I no longer had the push of school to get things done.  I sat.  I watched the world go past me.  My motivation was dwindling.

SO -  bring in 2016.  Not just one word - how about a whole phrase?  Lets get this old girl back on track.  The phrase I chose for 2016 was Forward with INTENTION.  I posted it on my phone, on my bulletin board - a reminder that moving required intention.  But I also had a different thought.  I assumed my movement would be where I wanted it to go.  Wrong.

I learned from that phrase.  Movement is what's important - fast or slow, just move forward.  I learned that when we plan the direction we want to go, sometimes life decides on a different direction.  The intention come in play by choosing to be content with that direction - to go with the flow.  Intention is seeing the golden treasures to be found when the path takes an unexpected turn.  It's choosing to grab onto those jewels and make life beautiful with them.  The intention should be to keep the movement going, allowing the journey to play out in front of us and taking those authentic revelations to heart - making them part of our lives.  So what word for 2017?

2017 -  Discovery

Monday, December 26, 2016

National Thank You Note Day

I'm old enough to remember when there was no text messaging or email to send notes to each other.  We had to make a phone call (and that was usually pretty expensive if the person lived out of town) or write a letter.  Yes, WRITE a letter!

Well, this idea of a personal note is becoming a novelty rather than the norm - and so today I honor National Thank you note day.  

First - Some statistics.  According to a survey done by The Stationary Studio, 93% of us say that a handwritten thank you note is necessary, and yet, according to the same survey, let than half of us do it.  I wonder why that is?  Have we become less thankful?  Are we too lazy?  My personal opinion - and based on my own lack of writing them - we make ourselves so busy it is simply easier to send a quick text or email to say thanks.  

But, how many of you have received that handwritten letter of gratitude?  It feels pretty good doesn't it?  It feels like you and your gift were important enough for someone to take a moment of their time to say thank you.  It simply makes you feel special.

JFK said, "We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives."  Key word there - STOP.  Slow down.  Take a minute to show you care (and it's good for your body and soul to slow down!).

December 26 heralds in the annualy National Thank You Note day.  It's a day to STOP and take time for those that matter.  Lets all celebrate the day and write some personal notes to our friends and family.

"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."  Author Unknown.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wild North West Winter (Before Winter)

Winter is still a week away and here in Oregon we are having some pretty good winter weather.  Last week we had freezing rain - not as bad in some places as expected, but pretty good in others.  This week we got snow.  We had almost 3 inches where I live.  But let me explain to you about Oregon snow.

First of all, we don't usually get it in the upper Willamette Valley.  We are a wet state.  In Portland, the average snow fall is 2 inches for the WHOLE month of December, with just one snow day.  And here we are with almost triple that.  And we're not done yet.  They say this is just the beginning.  Even the squirrels are scrambling!

Now for an old lady, this is a problem.  I had to drive home 30 miles in snow that I am not used to driving in, that most of the other drivers are not used to driving in and that the city is not equipped to properly deal with.  I saw multiple cars slide off the road, a truck going way to fast around the corner slide off the road and roll down a hill.  And I was only half way home!

By the time I got home, I was ready for wine - or vodka - or anything!!  My body had turned to jello and I was exhausted from a simple drive home - the drive that normally takes 40 to 45 minutes and took me almost 2 hours!!

Today was a snow day.  Our child development center (I am the director) was closed.  I sat by the fire warming my creaky joints drinking tea and wandering my yard taking pictures.  Now THAT is how us menopausal ladies should spend our time in inclement weather.

Oh - and today is actually National Wear your Pearls day - So here I am!  

Have a safe and warm winter everyone!

Monday, December 12, 2016

What Masochist Invented Planking?

Lordy where does the time go?  Seems like Thanksgiving was just a few days ago and here it is almost Christmas...

Well as many of you know, I am on my weight loss quest and having a pretty good struggle with it - so when my niece challenged friends and family to the "28 Day Plank Challenge" I was all on board.

Have you ever planked?  First day was 20 seconds - a   V E R Y  long 20 seconds!  Then thirty - then 40 and right now we are at 1 minute.  Who knew 60 seconds be SO long!

Well I am pleased to say that yesterday I did the full minute without grunting!  Today is day 12 - NINETY FREAKING SECONDS!!!  OMG - Well, I'll let you know if I made it, but there WiLL be grunting!

The goal at the end of the 28 days?  240 seconds - that's FOUR MINUTES!!  OMG - OMG - what have I gotten myself into!!

Actually - the bottom picture is me on both accounts!