Wednesday, December 29, 2021

On the 8th and 9th Day of Yuletide...

On the 8th day of Yuletide...

The 8th day of Yuletide is a celebration of the hunt and winter. Tonight's celebration is the feast of Skadi and Ullr. These are Norse gods of winter and they are honored for the blessings they will bestow in the season. 

Skadi is the goddess of snow shoes. She is often depicted carrying a bow while on snowshoes or skis. 

Ullr, the god of winter, prefers the cold. He is also often depicted with a bow and on skis. He was an undefeated archer that traversed the country in heavy, warm furs. 

In Sweden they believe Skadi and Ullr are married as the male and female personification of winter. To celebrate this pair, a day in the snow ending with a big pot of hunter's stew is the perfect way to honor this pair. While you enjoy a meal together, reflect on the virtue of discipline. 

On the 9th day of Yuletide...

Most of the Norse religion focuses on the female entities. This 9th night of Yuletide is the night to honor Odin and fathers. This is the night to honor the men that have impacted your life.

 Odin is also the god of magic, war and death. He gives the power to the mystics and shamans.

 It is tradition to serve Rinderrouladen (Traditional beef rouladen) for dinner while reflecting on the virtue of industriousness. 

The evening ends in singing, reading poems and toasting blessings. 

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